Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To Contact

I welcome all questions, comments, ect. To contact me, please email me at Allow up to 24 hours for me to respond. I answer all emails personally. If you are commenting on a particular post, and would like to have the response published in my blog, I would be happy to do so. In the event that you would like to include your picture in the response post, please attach it to your email.

Guest Posting

So far, Disclosures has been a one-woman operation, but I would love to have additional voices on the blog.

Guest posts should include original commentary on the chosen topic. If your post is pulling information from some other source, please give credit to that source near its first reference. Also, when you send the post, please include a link to the source in question. Posts that do not give credit to their sources will not be posted.

Please include "guest post" in the subject of the email, and the post in question in the body. Include in the body of the email any tags you believe are appropriate for the post. Otherwise, I will tag the post as I feel appropriate.

If you send me a guest post, I prefer that you send me a short bio. Tell me who you are, where you're from, etc. You don't have to put your last name or exact city, if you don't want to. Just tell me the important parts. Tell me whether or not I can publish your email, and if you have a blog, feel free to give me a link to it. I'll put it in the post.

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