Friday, August 1, 2008

Gimme Just a Little Kiss...

This story was so ludicrous that it caught my attention. Every once in a while, "respectable" televised news programs will air a segment that is so beyond trivial that it should be brought to their attention how meaningless it is.

Apparently on Monday, July 28th, The View hosted a pop singer by the name of Katy Perry. She sang her hit "I Kissed a Girl", which along with her song "UR So Gay" has received a lot of criticism on being too controversial for her audience's demographic.

Britney Spears, who at one time was idolized by eight-year-olds, once preformed in a nude-colored catsuit. What could be so controversial?

But what really has critics and conservative parents outraged is that at the end of the performance, Whoopi Goldberg gave Perry a little peck. The kiss in question was on the same level as some European greetings. Yet, according to the ten minute debate that aired on last night's episode of The O'Reilly Factor, this "controversy" shouldn't have been aired by ABC at all, as some parents are concerned that their daughters could be affected by the media's blatant acceptance of experimentation.

If the parents are letting their impressionable daughters watch The View, especially during a performance of a song titled "I Kissed a Girl", and are concerned that a small kiss from Goldberg is going to send their daughters over the homosexual edge, then they should really learn to control what their kids watch. Instead, they make censorship demands, something that should never happen in a society that claims that freedom of speech is a priority. The level of outrage that has occurred over something so minor suggests just how deep homophobic beliefs and feelings run in America.

Also, The O'Reilly Factor could be talking about something more meaningful that a harmless incident that happened on a daytime talk show. But, as I've never been that impressed with Bill O'Reilly, I can't say I'm surprised.

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